sminda collective. we stand in contrast to the regionally constrained, competition focused, and high commitment sports club. our daily world is already full of chasing goals and self-optimization. why not just do something together – as a community – with no fixed start time, no winners, accessible for all ages and all levels of fitness?

limited time and continuous commitment are both problems leading to the demise and reduced membership in existing sport clubs. we see this as an opportunity to create a sports club that is based on the idea of infrequent events in local places. the event – not the daily training – therefore becomes the main characteristic of the club. as members we are mere organizers under a more relaxed time schedule. we are scattered across different locations and use these events apart from bringing activities into our local communities also as a mean to see each other.

as a collective we seek to organize events in the spirit of an RTF (Radtourenfahrt). for an RTF people meet on a given day in one place and take on routes of different lengths ranging from 40 to 180 km during a start window of 2 hours. on the course the participants find food and drinks on check points along the route. the events are not organized for profit but only to cover their own costs.

this approach to a sporting event is not limited to cycling but can be extended to other sports as well. above all it is about having a good time, getting to know places, and engaging across people of different ages, fitness levels, and social backgrounds.